Online Services and Blended Counseling

I offer online seminars for companies as well as online counseling for individuals and couples. Going online can be practical for various reasons, for example …

  • you would like to save yourself the journey for reasons of time or location.
  • you are unable to visit due to a handicap or because you are abroad.
  • privacy is important to you and you want to make sure that nobody notices anything about the consultation.
  • You have an urgent matter but it is difficult to schedule an appointment.
  • You don’t like to talk about your concern, it is easier for you to write about it.

I offer online consultations by mail, video telephony or via the DSGVO-compliant messenger Threema. My online counseling can be combined with counseling in presence according to your needs (blended counseling). Due to my billing procedures, anonymous counseling is currently not possible. I will be happy to inform you about the exact procedure and costs for mail and messenger counseling.

It can also be advantageous for companies if counseling, seminars or courses for teams take place online, for example for the purpose of infection control or to enable employees to participate who would otherwise unable to do so. I offer online courses via my moodle platform, which can be found at, or via other pre-arranged service providers (e.g. Zoom).


You are interested in my online services?

Write me a message or

call me: +49 241 56 00 49 51


No coverage by health insurance


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